Accessible Exit Sign Project Exit Sign

Accessible Exit Sign Design

Inclusive Design Approach

The Evolution of Exit SignsThe introduction of the ‘Accessible Means of Egress Icon’, or
‘Wheelie Man’ (as it has lovingly become known by all those involved in the project) onto accessible exit signage changes the current discriminatory approach to exit signs in buildings and presents a fully inclusive universal design.

Accessible Exit Sign Project, Egress Group, Accessible Means of Egress Icon 12The Combined ‘Running Man’ and Accessible Means of Egress Icon, which has been described as a person using a wheelchair moving quickly to an exit door, in the same style as the existing running man style exit signs are working together to escape the building. They move in unison. They display the same urgency and motion. They appear to be travelling at the same speed. This is an inclusive design.

A Sense of Movement and Motion

The heads on both figures are forward, showing their haste. Arms are extended and motioning back and forth as they move through the doorway. The Accessible Means of Egress Icon (or person using the wheelchair and exiting with the Running Man through the exit doorway) is consistent in design with the ‘Running Man’.

Consistent Approach

The  Accessible Means of Egress Icon design is also consistent with the figures shown within  various international technical standards, including ISO 7010, ISO 21542 and the ISO International Language of Graphical Symbols Booklet, including the ‘Running Man’.

Detail of Movement of Running Man and Wheelie Man

The wheelchair design also includes a hatched line in a similar approach to the proposed new access symbol developed by Sara Hendren & Brian Glenney, as part of the Accessible Icon Project being used in many areas now to identify accessible car parking spaces and building entrances.

Provision of the hatched line gives the image a sense of motion (and style), but more importantly allows the symbol to be used as a stencil for painting walls adjacent to accessible exit doors.

The Figures Dissected

The upper bodies of the Running Man and the Wheelie Man are identical. Arms are extended in the same style. Legs are also the same style. Both Figures graphically represent the same message.

The Running Man and Wheelie Man Dissected

This website does not offer signage for sale. However, licenses are available for manufacturers to commercially produce signage using the designs shown in this website, including the use of the ‘Accessible Means of Egress Icon’.

Accessible Exit Sign Project Running Man Wheelchair Wheelie Man Symbol Accessible Means of Egress Icon Exit Sign 2

Buildings need signage to identify the accessible means of egress, including exit paths and exit doors