Building project design team marking up plans

Lee Wilson

Lee Wilson MAIPM MWOBO C.BuildE MCABE ACAA#236 P.Eng (UK) is the Director of Egress Group Pty Ltd and owner of Exit Incorporated, based in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Lee is a building specialist with an extensive background in access for people with disabilities, general building compliance and project management. He has experience in Federal and Local Government, as well in private consultancies specializing in risk management, building compliance and access for people with a disabilities.

Lee is an Accredited Member of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia and a Chartered Building Engineer (specialising in accessibility). He is also qualified in building surveying, risk management and performance based building and fire codes.

Equality Triangular Road Sign, with person in wheelchair with couple

Lee is an advocate for dignified and equitable access for all into and throughout commercial buildings, whether they are workplaces, sports venues, public transport infrastructure, educational or accommodation. He is also a campaigner for equitable ways to get everyone out of a building during an emergency and has developed an industry guide on the topic.

Lee can be contacted directly at

Buildings need signage to identify the accessible means of egress, including exit paths and exit doors